A Quick Guide to Buying Land Part 1

Do you crave the seclusion of country acres, a piece of land on which to park your tiny home or a buildable lot in the middle of the city? Buying land can offer a more affordable path to homeownership than buying an existing home if done with proper planning.

However, the process of buying land is different and often more difficult than buying an existing home. Knowing how to buy land can help you determine whether it could be the right path for you. Before making any decisions, ask yourself the following questions:

How will the zoning rules affect your long-term plans for the property?

Every piece of land is zoned or classified for a specific use, whether it’s residential, agricultural or commercial. Local counties or cities establish the zones and the rules about what they will allow in those zones. The local department that keeps that information is usually called the zoning, planning or building department. 

Zoning information is critical in determining whether you’ll be allowed to build what you want on the property. The rules will be different for each county or city. Many cities and counties put their zoning maps and property information online, so be sure to check the department’s website first.  

Beyond your specific parcel, you’ll want to consider the immediate area and any plans that could affect the value of the property or your ability to enjoy it. You can find that information in the county or city’s “general use” plan.” This spells out plans for the area over the next 5, 10 or 15 years.

For example, suppose you want to build a home on a quiet parcel in a rural area. The planning document can tell you whether there are future plans in that area for a landfill, power plant, commercial zone or new road nearby that could influence whether you want to live there. 

Staff at the government agencies responsible for zoning are well-versed in the details of the plans and can answer any questions you have. No one expects you to be an expert, so reach out to them if you need help deciphering the plans.

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