Showing 1-15 of 1258 Results
- Property Types: Land, Recreational, Farms and Ranches
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Sprague River
- Price: $962,500
- Total Acreage: 481.78
- Property ID: 481 ac
- Property Address: Mule Deer, Sprague River, OR
- APN: 255985, 255976, 259366, 257689
- GPS: 42.549009993728, -121.48211903258
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Power: NO
- Seller Fees: 175
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Nevada
- County: Elko County
- City: Montello
- Price: $39,900
- Total Acreage: 36.36
- Property ID: montello mountain
- Property Address: Montello, NV
- APN: 010-57J-019
- GPS: 41.1557, -114.2166
- Subdivision: no
- Lot: 4
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: Dirt-unimproved dirt
- Power: No
- Taxes: $56
- Seller Fees: 135
- Property Types: Land, Residential
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Bonanza
- Price: $69,000
- Total Acreage: 6.77
- Property ID: Vireo x3
- Property Address: Vireo, Bonanza, OR
- APN: R383409, R383418, R383427
- GPS: 42.358691, -121.379949
- Subdivision: KFFE
- Unit: 4
- Block: 81
- Lot: 69, 70, 71
- CCRs: yes
- Association Fees: $26 per lot
- Power: 1 street
- Taxes: $216
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Farms and Ranches
- State: Nevada
- County: Humboldt County
- City: Valmy
- Price: $65,000
- Total Acreage: 86.92
- Property ID: buffalo Valley 14 & 15
- Property Address: Buffalo Valley road, Valmy, NV
- APN: 07-0671-15 , 07-0671-14
- GPS: 40.65585, -117.24404
- Lot: 14, 15
- Roads: Dirt
- Taxes: $170
- Seller Fees: 135
- Property Types: Residential, Commercial, Recreational
- State: Alaska
- County: Fairbanks North Star Borough
- City: North Pole
- Zip: 99705
- Price: $55,000
- Total Acreage: 28.74
- Property ID: Richardson Hwy
- Property Address: Hwy 2 Richardson Hwy, North Pole, AK, 99705
- APN: 0482901
- GPS: 64.371296764534, -146.87795531013
- Roads: paved
- Power: unknown
- Seller Fees: 90
- Property Types: Land, Recreational
- State: Alaska
- County: Fairbanks North Star Borough
- City: Manley Hot Springs
- Price: $15,500
- Total Acreage: 4.86
- Property ID: Deadman lake
- Property Address: Manley Hot Springs, AK
- GPS: 64.83380230648, -149.96800510352
- Subdivision: Deadman lake
- Block: 8
- Lot: 4
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: platted road.
- Power: no
- Seller Fees: 90
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Gilchrist
- Price: $775,000
- Total Acreage: 119
- Property ID: 119 crescent creek
- Property Address: Hwy 58 Williamette Hwy, Gilchrist, OR
- APN: 147861
- GPS: 43.484575514373, -121.91574569607
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: no
- Roads: dirt
- Power: at property
- Water: Crescent Creek
- Taxes: $1,770
- Seller Fees: 175
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Alaska
- County: Fairbanks North Star Borough
- City: Manley Hot Springs
- Price: $79,900
- Total Acreage: 34.1
- Property ID: manley hot springs
- Property Address: Tanana River, Manley Hot Springs, AK
- GPS: 64.937902894144, -150.34785350968
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: no
- Power: NO
- Seller Fees: 90
- Property Types: Land, Residential
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Bonanza
- Price: $65,000
- Total Acreage: 5.57
- Property ID: Teal x2
- Property Address: Teal, Bonanza, OR
- APN: 463901 , 463894
- GPS: 42.292335048035, -121.42251985096
- Subdivision: Klamath Falls Forest Estates
- Unit: 2
- Block: 37
- Lot: 19,20
- Roads: gravel
- Power: at road
- Taxes: $130
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Colorado
- County: La Plata County
- City: Hesperus
- Zip: 81326
- Price: $79,000
- Total Acreage: 20
- Property ID: La Plata 20
- Property Address: 1813 CR 109, Hesperus, CO, 81326
- APN: R008543
- GPS: 37.08279, -108.29086
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: dirt graded
- Power: no
- Taxes: $290
- Seller Fees: 90
- Property Types: Land, Residential
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Chiloquin
- Price: $22,500
- Total Acreage: 0.67
- Property ID: Oregon shores 2-39-11&12
- Property Address: Cloutier Dr, Chiloquin, OR
- APN: 3507-017BB-2600-000 & 3507-017BB-02700
- GPS: 42.541008317185, -121.91606739329
- Subdivision: Oregon Shores
- Unit: 2
- Block: 39
- Lot: 11, 12
- CCRs: some
- Association Fees: 200
- Roads: gravel semi paved
- Power: at street
- Water: at street
- Taxes: $65
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Bonanza
- Price: $22,500
- Total Acreage: 3.58
- Property ID: sparrow 1-12-48
- Property Address: Sparrow Drive & Night Owl, Bonanza, OR
- APN: R390268
- GPS: 42.347805104576, -121.40511938176
- Subdivision: Klamath Falls Forest Estates
- Unit: 1
- Block: 12
- Lot: 48
- Roads: graded dirt
- Power: nearby
- Taxes: $85
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Beatty
- Price: $25,000
- Total Acreage: 9.86
- Property ID: sycan w1/2 of 5-5
- Property Address: Valley Oak lane, Beatty, OR
- APN: 180618
- GPS: 42.675360303031, -121.21221004306
- Subdivision: Sycan
- Block: 5
- Lot: 5
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: dirt
- Power: NO
- Taxes: $65
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Residential, Recreational
- State: Oregon
- County: Klamath County
- City: Beatty
- Price: $22,500
- Total Acreage: 9.72
- Property ID: sycan 14-15
- Property Address: NF 27, Beatty, OR
- APN: R178603
- GPS: 42.681162592618, -121.15024759778
- Subdivision: Sycan
- Block: 14
- Lot: 15
- CCRs: none
- Association Fees: none
- Roads: dirt graded
- Power: no
- Taxes: $65
- Seller Fees: 174
- Property Types: Land, Patented Mining Claims
- State: Colorado
- County: Park County
- City: Lake George
- Price: $30,000
- Total Acreage: 10.33
- Property ID: Shenandoah 50%
- Property Address: Hwy 24, Lake George, CO
- APN: R0023363
- GPS: 39.035775133011, -105.48994202552
- Roads: dirt-unimproved dirt
- Taxes: $45
- Seller Fees: 90